Meet Laveda MacGregor!

Hi! I’m Veda MacGregor and was blessed to be born into a beautiful Legacy of unconditional Love.

My parents taught the importance of keeping balance and connection in your life. They prayed hard, worked hard, played hard and loved deeply. I learned quickly in the outside world how my happiness inflicted pain on those around me who did not share the same Legacy. Decided it was best to contain my true feelings in order to not hurt others. Felt sad but necessary. That joy was channeled into everyone being rejected by mainstream. They became my favorite Friends! Everyone deserves to feel love without condition and they allowed me to live that.

There has been no veil between the natural and Supernatural for me. The only time that wasn’t the case was when I turned my back on my own “belief”. I spent 13 years in 3 different marriages that ultimately failed. They were nothing like the Love modeled by my Family. God gifted me with a brilliant Son and magnificent Daughter. Those years grew a broad testimony of self-worth, hope and true beginnings.

Living in this world and being connected to the Spirit world is among the gifts of my Legacy. Generations before me were also blessed with this connection. I didn’t feel it was such a “gift” for a very, very long time. Other children made fun of me when I spoke of Jesus sitting with us in Sunday school.  I was 4 and decided their words hurt so I wouldn’t tell them anything else I “saw”. I would pray and beg God to show It to others so I didn’t feel alone. The answer was always the same…”they have to Believe”.

Growing up and learning the history of witches and people who professed to “see” things drove my gift even deeper inside. I did NOT want to be burned, hung or hauled off by people to a place where they keep you medicated in a rubber wall room until you die. Made no sense why I had to hide something so magnificently loving and full of Light but my freedom was at stake. Just love, that’s all I’m here to do. Love others and be loved by others. The rest is only clutter.

Choosing out of brokenness and back toward the Light brought me the Love of my life. Jerry and I fell in love November of 1990. We continue to be a growing Family. Our children have blessed us with 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter. They are the most amazing humans I ever met! Children teach me more than I have or ever could teach them. Listen and learn, they deserve to be heard.

My professional experience includes growing up in a family business, working in surgery, former First Responder and EMT, victim advocacy, coordinated community response to victimization and building a non-profit to serve those in need. The Belief Center directly reflects what I was born to do. I exist to erase all lines ever drawn between humanity. Love is more than possible; it waits patiently for us to believe in it so we can receive it.

When you read Jerry’s Bio you’ll discover we were born into legacies 180 degrees opposite of the other. What an amazing journey this is!

I believe in God, I believe in the gifts I’ve been given and my heart is called to teach others how to believe. I lived a long time with my back turned to my real value and worth. I pray you choose to step into the Light and receive ALL the love that awaits you. You are not alone, we are here to help.

A special thanks to all the beautiful hearts helping to build and support this ministry. One Heart, One Voice. It’s just how we fly!